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Thursday, August 27, 2009

Welcome to the Planetary Peace Movement International

Planetary Peace Movement is an international organization founded in 1998 by Master Choa Kok Sui with co-founder Charlotte Anderson to promote world peace and harmony through the Planetary Meditation for Peace.
The Planetary Meditation for Peace is a non-sectarian meditation that is practiced in over 70 countries throughout the world. This powerful universal meditation or prayer, can be used by almost anyone desiring to contribute loving energy toward achieving Global Harmony and World Peace.
Many religions and philosophies of numerous traditions state: "It is in giving that we will receive!" According to the Teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui, the same concept is true of Blessing. He teaches that when we Bless other people; our lives will likewise be Blessed.
In the Planetary Meditation for Peace, Master Choa used phrases from the "Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi" in order to project maximum Blessings to all of the people on the Planet Earth.
The Planetary Meditation for Peace was originally produced under the title ”Meditation on Twin Hearts". "Twin Hearts" refers to the activation of the Heart and Crown Energy Centers. The Heart Center is associated with Human Love and with caring for our fellow human beings. The Crown Center, also known as 'Our Spiritual Heart,' is considered to be the Center for Divine Love. The activation of the Crown Energy Center leads a practitioner to heightened Spiritual Consciousness or awareness of his/her Spiritual Nature.
By simply concentrating on these two energy centers simultaneously, they become activated and one may experience being filled with Universal Divine Love. It is also reported that many practitioners of the meditation frequently experience an intense sense of connection (unity) or "Oneness" with everyone and everything.
Benefits of the Planetary Meditation for Peace include better health, reduced stress, greater productivity, happier relationships, increased calmness and inner tranquility. The Planetary Meditation for Peace brings peace, joy, healing, reconciliation and transformation on many levels.
When regularly practiced, The Planetary Meditation for Peace may be used as a form of Service to Humanity as one becomes a channel for Divine Blessings to flow to the entire earth and all of humanity.

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